The three key to self- actualization are: self and identity(part 1), self awareness( part 2) and self motives (part 3)
C) Self motives

What motivates the different ways that we may want to conceptualise ourselves? Research suggested that there are three general classes of motivations.
- One motive is self-assessment
a desire to confirm what we already know about our self, by looking for self-consistent information.
- The third motive us self-enhancement
Between all of those general classes of motivations self- enhancement is the most important. Why? Because people have a formidable repertoire of strategies and techniques to construct or maintain a favourable self-concept.
- * For example, they take credit for success but denial blame for failure,
- * They forget failure feedback more readily than success feedback,
- * They accept praise uncritically but receive criticism sceptically and dismiss it as being based on prejudice.
- * Most of the thoughts, feeling, and motives underlying behavior are unconscious or unknown to the individual. This means people are rarely aware of the true reasons they choose to behave as they do, and that there is often no choice at all. Instead, people are ''fooled'' by apparent motives.
- * Unconscious and conscious motives operate in parallel, so that, in the same situation, an individual can be consciously motivated to do X( e.g hate, hit,remember) but unconsciously motivated to do Y (e.g love, kiss, forget)
- * Individual, just like opening flower, have a naturall tendency toward personal improvement and self-actualization or self-realization.
- * Actualization is the capacity to enhance the organism, gain autonomy and be self-sufficient. In simple term, to actualize oneself means to grow.
- * If individual are unaware of their potential for self-actualization or find obstacles that stop them from unleashing this potential, psychologists can guide them and help them overcome obstacles.
- * Self- actualized people tend to enjoy life and be happy, whereas failure to unleash one's potential for growth can lead to mental health problems
- *Failure to self-actualize may also lead to state of reactance, which is the feeling that our freedom of choice has been taken away.
- * Self-actualize leads to congruence between one's ideal self and one's actual self. Conversely, incongruity between one's aspirations and reality cause anxiety
Once we stop believing in our self, and become afraid of every circumstances. Then every affliction become a self fulfilling prophecy. The sooner you understand this concept and the self-discrepany theory concept. The closer you get to your way to better self improvement.

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