Our body must have evolved to cope with stress, but the peculiar, possibly unprecedented, kinds of stress that modern life inflicts on us do seems to have adverse consequences on the body, in both the short and the long term. Most people recognize some things that cause stress in their life, such as work load, overdue bills, traffic, traffic wardens ect... But some of the things people don’t recognize as inducers are:
- Lack of sleep
- Excessive alcohol
- Smoking
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Food allergies and intolerance
- Medicines and hormones imbalance
- A poorly function bowel leading to toxic waste build up
Work Related Stress
Depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse can be symptoms of stress.
Stress is good up to a point . It motivates and keeps people attentive. But clearly, when the economy is down . . . it is something to which people react to."
Layne Prest, director of behavioral medicine and the medical family therapy program at the Nebraska Medical Center, said he, too, has seen an increase in the number of people seeking help for symptoms of stress. Forty percent of his clients at the One World Medical Clinic, who are primarily Latino, have stress-related symptoms. A declining economy hits blue-collar workers especially hard, he said. "They have to work two to three jobs to make ends meet."
Also is seeing more Caucasians at One World Medical Clinic who are seeking free or reduced-price health care because they have lost or don't have insurance coverage. Sometimes work-related stress is more subtle than losing a job or fearing the loss of a job. Or the fear and worry about family situations that keep them from performing up to what they perceive as higher standards at work.
Tips For Stress
- "Take a step back and be as realistic as they can.
- "People should consider if their fears are realistic," "Do they feel things are out of control, are they overwhelmed? Where can they make changes? Generally, don't try to control things you can't."
In addition to the economic downturn, there always are people who feel trapped in a job or with a manager they don't like. Whether it's a job or a bad marriage, relationships can be "extraordinarily stressful, too," he said. "People recommend finding another job, but that is not always easy to do, and moving is stressful, too. It is still putting someone out of a routine."
Friends and family members can be helpful sounding boards, but sometimes the situation calls for professional help from an independent, trained observer. "If people are ruminating about it (their situation) over and over and don't have an opportunity to get away from it, they should seek some professional evaluation," including using employee assistance programs at work.
"They should keep their resume up-to-date and keep their employment network in the picture," Meanwhile, people should keep focused on their lives and careers.
In a situation were a company is considering downsizing, if workers start looking at each other as competitors, relationships can break down. That can actually hurt a person's performance and his or her chances of success. The unknown can cause a lot of worry, and workers aren't always knowledgeable about things going on in a company.
Workers should find out as much as they can about their companies, to know whether fears about their and their companies' futures are warranted. Publicly held companies are required by law to provide substantial information,
Stress is an external and internal experience. You can reduce your external stimuli by changing certain elements in your lives such as changing jobs or not driving to work. However, a lot of stress is actually how you perceive things internally. Do you let things get to you? Or do you let things do? This is something that can change your relationship with stress significantly. For those who are not able to do this themselves, consider contacting a cognitive behavioral therapist. You may also consider 300 breakthrough stress relief tips!
- Set aside 15 minutes every day for yourself to think, dream and not be pressurized by anything with in your daily plans. Note: watching television is not relaxing as it is designed to keep you alert and awake.
- Avoid a diet that puts further stress on your adrenals. This include limiting alcohol to seven unit’s a week, stopping caffeine intake- this put quite a strain on the adrenals-and all diet and soft drinks
- Stop consuming all fast releasing sugars as they create a state of stress in the body, stimulating the release of cortical. This means avoiding white bread and pasta, sweat breakfast cereals, and anything else that added sugar to it. Substitute these with complex carbohydrates that help to stabilize blood sugar levels, e.g. brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta, oats, and quinoa.
- Avoid processed foods, food products that contain chemical additives, and all fried foods as they put and additional stress on the body.
- Eat a well- balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. If you are in a stresses state, you may need extra protein so go for protein-rich foods such as oily fish and eggs( or vegetable proteins if you don’t eat animal products)
- Avoid eating under stressful conditions. If you eat too quickly or under stress, you will not absorb your nutrients and your digestive system will not work well. Eat in a relaxed environment to ensure there is sufficient blood flow and effective digestion.
- Exercise three times a week for 20 or 30 minutes. It is great for reducing anxiety and nervousness and for elevating your brain chemicals to make you feel good

Interesting !!
To help eliminate stress meditation or yoga can be an option. If that is not possible take a walk in the evening focusing on nature itself. Sit on a bench or rock and focus on a tree, flower or a body of water. Take some deep breaths and try to get to inner peace.
Hi, more interesting...
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Although we have become desensitized to stress because it is so much a part of modern life, we forget about its silent harm. Your post rekindles awareness and outlines simple yet effective strategies to cope with it.
Good post on Stress.
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great article... i guess im guilty of the smoking and lack of sleep factors. Kinda hard though when you work 12-15 hours/day as a grad student.
seemed like this article emphasized the physiological risk factors and treatments. one thing I've always found to help was to redefine the stressful situation to make it less threatening. Taking a humourous approach to the situation also is beneficial. Of course, those are commonly thrown out as good tips. good article. thanks!!
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I hate stress but i think i can control myself with your post.
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Some very useful advice here, and some great points that are often overlooked when considering stress.
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I consider self-help to be intentional coping. It is handling your own troublesome situations by exercising deliberate conscious control to improve the outcome of the situation. It is recognizing your own personal weaknesses and working to overcome those faults and improve yourself. It sometimes involves changing others or the environment to improve your own circumstances or feelings, but self-help primarily focuses on changing your own behavior, feelings, skills, cognition (thoughts), or unconscious processes.Self-helpis the conscious reasoning part of your “self” changing other aspects of your internal self, your actions, and your situation. It is self-improvement by your self.
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Very well written piece. Actually i am a sufferer of chronic stress. City-living, work and family obligation had taken its toll. I will follow those tips mentioned for sure.
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