The three key to self- actualization are: self and identity(part 1), self awarness( part 2) ans self motives (part 3)
B) Self-awareness

All this talk of self-concept may give the impression that people spend all their thinking about themselves. This is not the case. People are not consciously aware of themselves all the time. Self-awareness comes and goes for different reasons and with different consequences. Often we just get on with life without being particularly aware of ourselves, whereas at other times we can be totally self- absorbed or absolutely mortified about how other view us. Two psychologist believe that self-awareness is a state in which one is aware of oneself as an object.
Psychologist argues that self-awareness can have at least two foci:
- The private self ( one’s private thoughts, feeling and attitudes)
- The public self ( how others see you, your public image).

Private self-awareness directs behavior at matching internal standard, whereas public self-awareness directs behavior at promoting an good impression. Being self-aware causes one’s to exert effort to try to adress any discrepany between one’s actual self and how one feels one would like to be or ought to be. According to self -discrepancy theory described above,
failure to resolve a discrepancy between the actual self and
the ideal self produces dejection-related emotions
the ideal self produces dejection-related emotions
- Disappointment,
- Dissatisfaction,
- Sadness
whereas failure to resolve an actual ought discrepancy produce agitation-related emotions
- anxiety
- fear

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